Open Questions: The Ross Collective Blog
Sharing insights and stories on nonprofit strategy, racial equity and leadership

Four Steps to a Productive Board Retreat that Drives Positive Organizational Change
Many nonprofit boards are currently seeking to shift their focus and practices. You may be working alongside one of them!

How getting angry about financial inequity has focused and energized our work
How do we build a nonprofit sector and nonprofit consulting sector in which each person is well-resourced and thrives?

Why we need to move towards love right now - even though it’s not easy
How can you widen your circle to beam love to those with different perspectives and experiences?

Why the Board Builders Symposium is Crucial Now
Why you should join us for the Board Builders' Symposium on September 26.

Four Insights and Five Key Steps for More Equitable Nonprofit Governance
Those of us who work closely with nonprofit boards or serve on boards know that a high percentage of boards are not working. And the challenges in terms of the stresses that boards are experiencing (racial injustice, inequities, workplace burnout, uncertainty in the larger economic environment) have increased over the past few years.

Why We Need to Listen When People Say They Don’t Feel That They Belong
We create belonging when we understand the obstacles or barriers to belonging.

A blessing for the world on my birthday
Blowing out the candles with the wish that we each thrive.

The Honest Advice about Change I Wish I Didn’t Have to Give Last Week
People have to want change in order to move towards it.

Why Remarkable Boards Focus on Equity and Justice
How do we build a world in which all people can thrive?

Six Steps to Recruit Diverse Nonprofit Board Members and Embrace Equity and Inclusion
Have you embarked on these six steps?

14 Resources to Achieve Racial Equity on Nonprofit Boards
We keep learning from each other and helping each other make #GoodTrouble and do better work.

How a surprising royal lesson about stories and systems can help us make change
If you are a leader making change, you should also be thinking about how to make connections between individual stories and larger systems, and what you and your organization are seeking to shift.

Building Inclusive Nonprofit Boards | How to Recruit Diverse Board Members for Your Nonprofit
As humans, we are wired for comparison…and also collaboration.

Three tips for doing hard things – even when we feel like giving up
The Ross Collective creates spaces that support leaders to do things that go beyond their comfort zone.

How small experiments move us from grief to a joyful path forward
Small experiments create little successes that we can build on.

Four questions to lead inclusive, interactive meetings
For better meetings, ask these questions beforehand.

Lessons From a Cross-Racial Team About Building Belonging
What should boards do once they recognize that their practices and cultures are out-of-sync with new realities?