Request a Free Consult + Strategy Session

Reach out for a nonprofit consultation.

Recent requests:

“We’re seeking a strategic planning consultant to design and lead the creation of a strategic plan that will move our organization to the next level.”

“We need a facilitator to lead an upcoming two-day staff retreat.”

“We need a nonprofit consultant for facilitation of board training and planning.”


Frequently asked questions about our nonprofit consulting firm

  1. What services do you offer?

    Our services page is here. The Ross Collective’s primary work is strategic planning facilitation, board governance, training and writing.

  2. How long will it take to get a response about a potential consultation?

    We respond to most inquiries within 48 hours.

  3. What kind of clients do you work with?

    Our clients are leaders from nonprofit organizations, higher education, government agencies and the philanthropic sector. Most of the organizations we work with have an annual budget of $1-$10 Million or more. Many clients are high-performing leaders experiencing change in their organization or environment who need planning, facilitation and support to build alignment and get everyone on the same page. Others have found financial stability, and are now seeking a plan to support a growth phase. Most clients have a focus on justice and equity in their work.

    Past or current clients include: Bike East Bay, Cal State University East Bay, East Oakland Collective, Feed Black Futures, Food and Farm Resilience Coalition, interACT, La Cocina, Los Altos-Mountain View Community Foundation, Magic Cabinet, National VOAD, New Museum Los Gatos, San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity, Student Achievement Partners, SOS Meals on Wheels, Yerba Buena Gardens Conservancy, Youth ALIVE! and many others.

  4. How is The Ross Collective unique?

    We lead participatory strategic planning processes - that bring out the wisdom of the room and get staff and board energized and on the same page. We encourage the group to reflect on every part of your organization - finance, governance and program. We hold a deep commitment to racial equity, which may mean that a cross-race team leads a project to have the ability to represent and bring out multiple perspectives. We’re not afraid of hard conversations - we know that you need to have them in order to shift your culture. We’re relational (e.g. we are energized by working with terrific people!) and analytical in terms of sharing feedback that supports our clients’ ability to learn, iterate and strengthen their organizations.

  5. Can you send us your consulting fee?

    Before we write up a proposal, we hold a 30-45 minute Zoom or phone consult to understand the scope of work and what you’re seeking. This helps us to design a process that works for your needs and budget.

  6. How else can we learn about your work?

    We present many webinars and podcasts, which are linked on our workshops page. We invite you to subscribe to our free newsletter on nonprofit strategy, racial equity and leadership, which we publish every other week. We offer many trainings throughout the year.

  7. We do not have a budget for strategic planning or board development but we’d like to learn more about how to do this.

    By popular demand, we have created a Nonprofit Strategic Planning Workbook that you can purchase to work through the process yourself. We also encourage you to sign up for the Strategic Planning or Board Development courses, offered live online through CSUEB twice yearly and accessible from anywhere in the world. Registration link is on our workshops page or subscribe to our free e-list to be notified when registration opens.


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