Why the Board Builders Symposium is Crucial Now

From Renee: Earlier this year, I was invited to present at the Board Builders Symposium, a series of trainings and conversations happening online on September 26. The group of us informally call this event, “Christal’s party” because the planning process has been spearheaded by Christal M. Cherry,The Board Pro -- and when Christal makes a request, you pay attention!

Christal M. Cherry, The Board Pro, partners with leaders to model effective, inclusive, and equitable board leadership. She facilitates board retreats, speaks at conferences, recruits and onboards board members, audits board documents, and coaches CEOs to work more harmoniously with their boards.

We are a “party” of consultants who have seen the good, bad, and ugly of boards and are able to distill our combined 100+ (!!!) years of wisdom into the series of valuable conversations that we’ll be holding live on September 26.

I’m inviting each of you to join us at the Board Builders Symposium - and if you believe in the values and tools we’ll be sharing, to forward this invite to someone else who could benefit as well.

I asked Christal to share more about what motivated her to create the Board Builders Symposium:

ID: white background with a blue grey city skyline at the bottom, and head shots of Kerrien Suarez, Andy Robinson, Cherian Koshy, Christal M. Cherry, Libby Villavicencio, Linley Daly, Dr. Renee Rubin Ross, Sabrina Walker Hernandez

Our world is chaotic right now! Many of us are exhausted as we confront political unrest, global conflicts, economic challenges, and social divides.

Nonprofit leaders are on the front lines, tackling issues like poverty, inequality, environmental sustainability, and public health. To meet these challenges, nonprofit leaders and boards need the right tools, knowledge, and perspectives. That’s where the Board Builders Symposium comes in.

Why Should You Attend the Board Builders Symposium?

The Board Builders Symposium was created to equip nonprofit leaders with the skills and resources they need to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving environment. As societal challenges grow more complicated, the role of nonprofit board members becomes increasingly crucial. These leaders make decisions that impact millions of lives, and their ability to navigate this complexity is key to driving positive change.

Our symposium provides a space for nonprofit leaders to learn from experts, share insights, and build the skills needed to address pressing issues. Topics like strategic thinking, inclusive recruitment, ethical governance, technology integration, and equitable fundraising are front and center. In a time marked by deep polarization and global unpredictability, the ability to adapt quickly and collaborate effectively is more important than ever.

Why Nonprofit Board Members Matter

Nonprofits have always taken on the challenges of their communities. They start with a particular need and find creative ways of addressing it. Over time, they have to maneuver through unpredictable circumstances, strengthening their leadership capabilities. Having the right board members is ever important and here’s why:

  1. Navigating Complexity
    Nonprofits have always tackled multi-layered issues. Board members with diverse backgrounds and interesting skills and expertise are able to provide the guidance necessary to weather challenging times.

  2. Embracing Diversity
    A diverse board from various walks of life, including race, gender, age, professional background, lived experiences, and any mixture therein, brings a wealth of perspectives that improve conversation, foster innovation, and sharpen decision-making.

  3. Adapting to Change
    Organizations can count on the consistency of changing environments and must pivot accordingly; having forward-thinking board members help organizations to pivot when necessary, ensuring they stay relevant and effective, especially in trying times.

  4. Ensuring Accountability and Transparency
    For nonprofits to be truly effective, they have to be thoroughly trusted by all stakeholders. It is critically important that a nonprofit’s board members are accountable and transparent, providing careful oversight, and held to the highest standards.

  5. Strategic Vision and Long-term Planning
    The ability to react to timely challenges but see future opportunities to create direction for an organization is what sets apart great leadership from reactionary leadership and forms sustainable organizations.

Supporting Marginalized Communities

The members serving in nonprofits know that they cater to the needs of marginalized communities, providing essential services and support to those facing systemic barriers. The leadership of committed board members is central to the success of these organizations. Board service in these nonprofits is more than governance; it’s a commitment to social justice, equity, and compassion. Diverse board members bring expertise and lived experience, empowering these organizations to drive meaningful change. For this reason, representation of members from those communities is critical to their success, so that the community members can see the hope of a better future. Engagement and direct participation in the mission is equally important to the planning and strategy work done in the boardroom.


In today’s unpredictable world, trained, inclusive, and compassionate nonprofit board members are needed more than ever. Our event - the Board Builders Symposium is a smart investment in the future of nonprofit leadership, equipping board members with the skills to navigate tough issues and ensure their organizations remain impactful and resilient.

Learn more and register here: Board Builders Symposium.

From Renee: If you’re a board member or staff member who works with boards, I hope you will join us on September 26. I will be presenting on how board members can support strategic planning and joining a panel on building belonging on boards.

We all know that good organizations aren’t created by magic, rather by intention, organization, and lots of hard work. Join us and equip yourself so that you can be ready to take your board and organization to the next level! 


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