14 Resources to Achieve Racial Equity on Nonprofit Boards

As we move towards Thanksgiving, it is worth taking some time to focus on gratitude. (And yes, gratitude is good for your health!) Below, you’ll find a few of my starter thoughts on the subject – feel free to ‘borrow’ any of them to make them your own, and, of course, to make your own list!

What are you feeling grateful for right now?

We are grateful (and relieved!) that recent election results indicate that millions of voters affirmed that they value the freedoms to make our voices heard, pick our own leaders, and decide our own futures.

We are grateful for our wonderful clients, who are working towards a prosperous, equitable future in which all can thrive.

We are grateful for colleagues.

We keep learning from each other and help each other make #GoodTrouble and do better work.

Over the past two years, my colleague Christal Cherry and I have collaborated on numerous consulting engagements and presentations.

I am grateful for her as she provides great insight both personally and professionally.

We have shared our perspective as a cross-race team -- I am white, Christal is Black. Our presentation styles, our perspectives, our lived experiences are not the same. But we have each other’s back, we listen to one another and learn from one another.

As I continue to ponder the things for which I am grateful this year, I am also starting to muse about our accomplishments this year. I’m incredibly appreciative of the support of our partners, all of you, and our incredible clients. Without you all, I would not be in position to share these insights.

Board or staff leaders often ask Christal and me how to start working towards racial equity. In addition to working directly with organizational leaders, we have shared our ideas in many podcasts and webinars over the past few years. As you are basting your turkey (or cooking your tofurkey), here are some resources to tune into and learn:

Diversity and Inclusion Podcasts

This year, we had a heartfelt conversation with the We Are for Good podcast hosts (thank you Becky and Jon!) on Growing a Board that Cares about Inclusion. This conversation explored topics such as where and how to start moving your board toward inclusion, what disrupting biases are and how to create environments conducive for them, and what is a race autobiography and why everyone needs one.

We spoke with nonprofit marketing leader Julia Campbell about how to move boards towards racial equity. We explored challenges that we have noticed that boards are facing, how to initiate tough conversations, and some information about our Planting the Seeds of Change: A Journey towards Race-Equity Culture training for boards.

Recently, we had a fabulous conversation with Rhea Wong on the Nonprofit Lowdown. We spoke about the myth of diversity vs. wealth, how to work with folks who don’t think they have a problem, our tactics to start boards on this work, and even had an argument about the “Give or Get” fundraising requirement!

We had a meaningful conversation with nonprofit leadership expert Patton McDowell about the work that we’re doing with nonprofit boards. This podcast explored the need for equitable representation at the board level. We shared aspects of our DEIB training program and how nonprofits who commit to the process can strengthen the well-being of the entire organization. We also explored the knowledge gaps that exist between Black and Indigenous people of color and their white counterparts and what actions your board members can take once they recognize the differences that exist.

Our colleague Carol Hamilton interviewed us for Mission: Impact on supporting nonprofit boards to move towards greater equity. We spoke about our training framework and how race stories build understanding and empathy.

We are super passionate about this topic! More podcast episodes are dropping soon 😊!

Racial Equity Resources

This year, we presented a webinar for Network for Good on Growing a Board that Truly Cares about Inclusion and Equity. We explored four questions for board members to reflect on their current commitment to racial equity.

We also presented a webinar for Keela on Planting the Seeds for Nonprofit Board Equity on questions to consider to build equitable boards.

DEI Resources for Nonprofits

There are so many other terrific resources out there!

Other Diversity Inclusion Podcasts

There are many great podcasts out there focused on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Here are some we have dipped into:

We hope you find these resources impactful and interesting. We will continue to revise this list as new topics and issues emerge.


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Leadership is naming the hard stuff - and illuminating a path forward