Open Questions: The Ross Collective Blog
Sharing insights and stories on nonprofit strategy, racial equity and leadership

Our best emerging insights from celebrating 100 newsletters
Our voices and our perspectives matter

How moving from competition to collaboration deliciously expands the pie
The importance of discovering and living our collaborative advantage

Action Planning: How to accomplish the goals in your strategic plan
Making it through the final mile of planning.

How planning gets everyone on the same page and builds commitment
Moving from vision to strategies and goals

Strategic Planning Kickoff
How to set up your strategic planning process so that it is ready to blast off towards the stars…

How long does it take to create a strategic plan?
A good strategic plan needs time to ripen.

The first step to creating an impactful, effective strategic plan
Get the right people at the table - or in the circle.

The Honest Advice about Change I Wish I Didn’t Have to Give Last Week
People have to want change in order to move towards it.

Four Steps to Find a Sustainable Financial Path
How to go forward when needs outpace funding

A key first step for strategic planning
Notice and acknowledge the best work you are already doing and figure out how to do more of that.

Nonprofit Strategic Plans - Five Examples Plus Free Template
What does a strategic plan include? The Ross Collective led strategic plans for the organizations below; click on each link to see the strategic plan.
This post shares the vision, mission, strategies and goals for nonprofit strategic planning clients.

5 Steps for Nonprofit End-of-Year Planning
Planning helps us think about where we want to go…and the steps to get there.

11 Reasons Why You Need an Effective Retreat Facilitator
When people ask me the value of hiring a retreat facilitator, I think back to Mark…

The surprising — and emotional — process of getting to the why of strategic planning
So much of the work of The Ross Collective is supporting organizations to find a path forward.

Three tips for doing hard things – even when we feel like giving up
The Ross Collective creates spaces that support leaders to do things that go beyond their comfort zone.

How organizational values can intensify and improve fundraising and strategy
Conversations about organizational values matter because they give staff and board members the opportunity to talk about some of the questions that are most critical to the organization’s work.

How small experiments move us from grief to a joyful path forward
Small experiments create little successes that we can build on.

Start strategic planning through resource allocation
The first step to strategic planning is assessing your time, money and questions!