Open Questions: The Ross Collective Blog
Sharing insights and stories on nonprofit strategy, racial equity and leadership
Seven guiding principles for my leadership as a white facilitator
Guiding principles for leading as a white facilitator
How to celebrate the powerful gifts we already have
If you experience abundance and privilege, how are you going to use it to move our world towards justice?
Three Steps to Move to an Abundant Shared Future
When we see that we have enough, we’re motivated to share power and resources.
This Thanksgiving, Holding Grief and Gratitude
Wishing you a gratitude-filled and heartfelt Thanksgiving.
How sharing our honest stories about race builds empathy and equity
If we agree that it is important to talk about race and equity, what are some first steps to begin to do this?
See what happens when we bring compassion and action to resistance
This post marks the creation of 50 blog posts! If you are reading this – and you may have started reading this week or been with us since the beginning – I want to express my gratitude and thank you for taking a few minutes out of your day to read along. It is gratifying to hear from readers and get your responses to these posts.
For inclusive conversations about race, consider these two courageous tips
We move towards inclusion, belonging and change inside our families, teams and organizations when we choose the path of discomfort and growth.
The Winding Path to Racial Equity
Clarity of vision can give each of us the energy to work towards equity.
Why every meeting should mention race and equity
Going forward, one of the best ways that I can honor and affirm the students, colleagues, and participants in the conversations I lead is to be open, direct, and courageous in talking about race.
For a more compassionate world, we need accountability (Part 5 of 5)
In order to move towards justice, we need to widen our circles of accountability.
In a dangerous moment, take strong action (Part 4 of 5)
Leadership is using our power to move the world towards justice.
Confronting resistance with love (Part 3 of 5)
When you think about resistance, what comes to mind?
The powerful and heart-centered act of noticing (Part 2 of 5)
At its core, noticing is to see and affirm that every person of every race, gender, ability and background deserves to live a life of safety, prosperity, opportunity, and health – and we don’t have that yet.
Whenever Given the Choice, Choose Love (Part 1 of 5)
People discover their own energy and ownership when they build positive visions toward the direction they want to go.
We are so excited to launch our very first course!
Given the hunger of nonprofit boards to embrace equity (I hear it again and again from my clients) and diversity with the Black Lives Matter movement following the murder of George Floyd and other incidents, The Ross Collective has created the Equitable Board Lab course as a way to work with a small cohort of nonprofit leaders from different organizations to learn about and practice tools to deepen racial equity.
Ask now: What would John Lewis do?
In these times, we each need to get in touch with courage. We need to move through the fear to stay connected with one another and express caring towards each member of our society.
Good News…or Courage?
If your organization has not made a statement condemning the recent unwarranted murders of unarmed black people, turn away from your computer, pick up your phone, call your leadership and write one together. If you’re not sure what to say, look around at what other organizations are saying. If you are not following any organizations that have spoken up, expand your circle to people and organizations who express leadership in this area.