Open Questions: The Ross Collective Blog

Sharing insights and stories on nonprofit strategy, racial equity and leadership

See what happens when we bring compassion and action to resistance
Leadership, Racial Equity Renee Rubin Ross Leadership, Racial Equity Renee Rubin Ross

See what happens when we bring compassion and action to resistance

This post marks the creation of 50 blog posts! If you are reading this – and you may have started reading this week or been with us since the beginning – I want to express my gratitude and thank you for taking a few minutes out of your day to read along. It is gratifying to hear from readers and get your responses to these posts.

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For strength in our uncertain moment, carve out restorative experiences
Leadership Renee Rubin Ross Leadership Renee Rubin Ross

For strength in our uncertain moment, carve out restorative experiences

We each need to find our restorative spaces so that we can bring energy and compassion for what life is bringing us. You don’t need to put aside a week of vacation to find your restorative space. Your restorative space can be a few hours at the ocean or on a trail in nature. Or singing, painting, gardening, cooking, or whatever your hobby might be. Something that shifts your brain and body away from screens and the news cycle to a more embodied presence in each moment.

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What is Leadership at this Moment?
Leadership Renee Rubin Ross Leadership Renee Rubin Ross

What is Leadership at this Moment?

At possibly the most challenging moment in our lifetimes, what do we need to keep in mind to lead our organizations and teams toward a healthy and prosperous future?
Based on conversations with nonprofit leaders over the past few weeks and our experience working with teams to embrace change, this post shares steps to maintain effective leadership at this moment. In order to build awareness of what’s happening on the ground, we have included examples of how our clients and colleagues are implementing each of these steps.

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In support of our community
Leadership Renee Rubin Ross Leadership Renee Rubin Ross

In support of our community

In these posts, I usually tell stories about my clients and how we work together to find a path forward.
We are in trying times. In this post, I’m going to step back and tell my story and then connect it to our current moment.
Over the past year, I’ve reflected on my work and why I do what I do. What do I bring that is different from others doing this work? This is part of my reflection.

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An Unexpected Hack to Make New Year’s Resolutions Stick
Leadership Renee Rubin Ross Leadership Renee Rubin Ross

An Unexpected Hack to Make New Year’s Resolutions Stick

The key to accomplishing our goals might not be what we expect:

New Year’s resolutions are a big topic right now. Changing the calendar makes most of us step back and reflect on the past year. What went well? What would we like to change?

Yet the truth is, we’re reading the same advice we read last year. Studies show that less than 20% of people succeed in keeping their resolutions past the first 30 days of the year. Something isn’t working!

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