Open Questions: The Ross Collective Blog
Sharing insights and stories on nonprofit strategy, racial equity and leadership

How to hire a strategic planning consultant that is an excellent fit
Some steps you can take to make sure that this process is win-win.

How managing change well can help teams embrace joy
How to use our leadership to guide our teams through transition.

Three keys for nonprofit strategic planning now
Because of the shifts of the pandemic, many organizations are creating new strategic plans.

Nonprofit Board Strategic Planning Retreats: 7 Tips to Make Them Remarkable and Impactful
Seven principles that The Ross Collective uses to design and lead impactful strategic planning retreats

Why participation matters to communications and strategic planning
Sometimes traumatic experiences guide us toward the world we want to build

Cost for a Nonprofit Strategic Planning Consultant: What To Expect
It helps to take the “Three Bears Approach”

How to take the important last step of strategic planning
Now you're ready for strategic priorities, which bring the mission of an organization down to earth. They are the buckets that different parts of your work will fit into.

How to Write Strategic Planning Mission Statement: 3 Powerful Examples to Inspire You
A strategic plan mission statement focuses on the present state of the organization, providing insight so everyone understands what they need to do each day to work towards their collective vision. A mission statement defines the focus of the work that organizational leaders do every day.

Why values matter now more than ever
When we are unable to conduct business as usual, values help us to know who we are as an organization and how we want to move through change.

How much can we plan in moments of intense uncertainty?
Is strategic planning an unaffordable luxury?

How to Win the Strategic Planning Battle
How well do you handle frustration?
The other day my daughter and I were playing Connect Four. She won the first game and smiled triumphantly. Then I won the second one. And the third. And the fourth. And at this point, she stamped her foot, pounded her arms and picked up all of the checkers and threw them around the room.
I guess the game was over.