The Ross Collective

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Nonprofits: Speak Up Right Now

Two weeks ago marked a moment of stunning political upset in American politics. Many of us are moving through the stages of grief: sadness, shock, anger and denial.

As I have processed my own emotions with friends, colleagues, and community members, I’ve thought a lot of about how we should be reacting, as individuals. And how nonprofit organizations should react.

Nonprofit organizations are not allowed to endorse a particular candidate. However, all organizations can say what you stand for and how your vision for the world will make things better at this time. People need to hear that the organizations they support are working on their behalf. That is leadership – connecting with the concerns of the people who care about your work and channeling their concerns and fears to hope and action.

I encourage all organizations to speak up and let us know what you’re fighting for right now. Some organizations have so far remained silent. Some organizations have emphasized business as usual, sending updates about mergers, staffing changes, etc. To those organizations, I say: if you’re scared to speak up now for fear of offending someone, you are missing an opportunity to show your own leadership and to guide all of us as we figure out what to do next.